Pursuant to Article 20 of the Law on the Use of Languages (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia” No. 07/19) and the Law on the Inspectorate for the Use of Languages (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Northern Macedonia” No. 220/19) is established Inspectorate for the Use of Languages as a body within the Ministry of Justice, with authority to supervise the full and consistent implementation of the provisions of the Law on the Use of Languages.
With Decision no. 24-11098 / 1 dated 28.12.2019, the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia appoints Fatmir Iseni as Director of the Inspectorate for the Use of Languages (hereinafter: Inspectorate). The work of the Inspectorate started on the day of his appointment. The Inspectorate is registered in the Central Register of the Republic of North Macedonia with a temporary address Boul. Ilinden no. 2, tower 6, office 410, 1000 Skopje.
Pursuant to the Law on the Inspectorate for the Use of Languages, the Inspectorate inspects the implementation of Amendment V of the Constitution of the Republic of North Macedonia and the provisions of the Law on the Use of Languages in the territory of the Republic of North Macedonia by all competent institutions.
Supervision includes:
-supervision over the application of the Law on the Use of Languages in the proceedings before the institutions,
-supervision over the names and seals of the institutions,
-supervision over the names of the infrastructure facilities,
-supervision over the publications in the “Official Gazette of the Republic of North Macedonia” of the laws, bylaws, decisions and announcements and
-other issues determined by law, which refer to the application of the Law on the Use of Languages.
The Inspectorate implements its supervision through its inspectors for the use of languages.