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Pursuant to the provisions of the Law on Whistleblower Protection and the provisions of the Regulation on protected internal reporting in institutions in the public sector, the following persons have been authorized for receiving applications submitted for protected external reporting and protected internal reporting to the Inspectorate for Use of Languages:


Fitim Ramadani, Inspection Advisor for Skopje,
e-mail:  ramadani@iuj.gov.mk  , tel: 02/3163361 and


Mariana Naskova, Junior Associate for Inspection,
e-mail:   naskova@iuj.gov.mk  , tel: 02/3163361.


The e-mail for receiving applications is:  ukazuvaci-informatoret@iuj.gov.mk.

Postal address: str. “Filip Vtori Makedonski”no. 11/1st floor, 1000 Skopje




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