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Happy Alphabet Day

The Inspectorate for the Use of Languages takes the opportunity to congratulate all Albanians on this significant day for our people. On this day on November 22, 1908, the alphabet of the Albanian language was founded. This day is important not only for the Albanian people but also for the whole country and the world because education and educational progress bring only goodness, cohesion and tolerance to the world. As an Inspectorate, we feel proud to have the main role in preserving and implementing the languages in the Republic of North Macedonia, fostering the further development of the Albanian language and alphabet in the future.
This sacred Albanian language, as one of the languages spoken and used in our country, should be fostered and its accurate and continuous use should be further promoted, because only in this way will Albanian thinking develop.
The Inspectorate for the Use of Languages, led by its director and its employees, is very pleased to congratulate the citizens of the Republic of North Macedonia on the Day of the Albanian Language Alphabet.

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